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1:38 a.m. - 2003-06-20
Communication issues today at work. One of the scientists called to ask for some specific technical information. B said she couldn't understand his voicemail because of his accent. C listened and said the same thing. I listened and it was very clear what he was asking to have. Yes, he does have a bit of an accent (ya'll aren't from around here, are you?),but it was the scientific terms he used that neither of them could interpret. Was the material he asked for obscure? No, it is a primary tool for people in his discipline. In addition, those of us on the team have had several discussions with respect to documenting the information he requested in the database.

B's contention has always been that no one has ever asked for that information, so it doesn't need to be recorded. It is more likely that she doesn't have enough knowledge to recognized the requests. Often, both she and D will spend a lot of time looking for information on the shelves that scientists are asking for, just to tell them it doesn't exist on site. On several occasions, they have been looking right at it but haven't realized that it was there. When that has happened I've just made a joke about it - you know, "we're having a PMS day" or something - and pointed it out.

On a number of occasions, when B has asked me to research something for her, I think it is more likely that she is aware that she won't be able to recognize the information. Apparently, one of the scientists wrote a very nice letter to her supervisor, T2, telling her what a great job B had done when it was really me who had pulled all the data he had requested one day. Then T2 turned around and criticized me because the work I was supposed to do wasn't done because I was doing what B asked in locating the data. At the same time, B and C were criticizing me because I'm telling them I can't help them because of what T2 has said.

To top it off, today I'm told by my walking partner that T2 is telling others I'm not co-operative enough when I'm asked to carry out a task because of B and C's complaints to her when I tried to explain I had to concentrate on what T2 wanted done, and that I complain too much. I'm guessing that was from when A went to bat for me on the catch 22 I just explained, dear diary.

Only five days more left in this assignment. Even though I don't have anything for certain to go to next, I am really glad. Being constantly set up to fail shouldn't be a reflection on me, but it's hard to defend yourself in that type of situation. No matter how you respond or explain i don't think anyone else understands.

Drumming in the solstice on Saturday in the main square - Olympic Plaza - built for when we hosted the winter games in 1988. Three hours of it, with workshops beforehand so you can build your own instrument. Should I go? Might be a good healthy way to work through some tension. We'll see.

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