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7:30 p.m. - 2003-05-28
Got a call from my supervisor, A, this morning - would I be willing to go back to work at my old assignment until the end of the contract. Pragmatist that I am, I said yes - the bills don't stop coming in. This contract was supposed to end at the end of June anyway, so it won't interfere if a new job is offered. By the time notice is given the contract will be over, so it doesn't compromise the data management company or me. If a new job isn't available yet, it buys me some more time.

Went and saw my chiropractor at noon. I was telling him about working with the text on Thai yoga massage, when he noted one of their therapists had just finished three weeks of training in Thailand. Maybe I'll have a chance to ask her some questions, or maybe I'll just ask if she'd like to practice on me - I'm flexible.

On the train on the way home police, fire and ambulance surrounding one building, everyone inside evacuated to the street. Could be because one of the courts is there and there is a lot of controversy over some changes to penalties being meted out. Too bad so sad, if you choose to break the law,there are consequences.

Other reason could be because the American Embassy is there. It isn't well known, but I used to attend regular meetings on that floor for one of my volunteer projects. Calgary is a relatively peaceful city and was even moreso, a decade back. It was very disconcerting to step off the elevator and find a couple of machine guns, of some description, aimed your way. Special rules for bathroom breaks too. All we volunteers were very well behaved in those meetings. Maybe that's why the government body we were dealing with booked them there.

As the train crossed the river valley, we watched rain fringeing the skirts of the clouds, gracefully sweeping the dust away. Kept the temperature tolerable today. Thundershowers predicted for tonight.

Walked in the door and my telephone was ringing. It was A again. In the morning he asked if I would go back to work tomorrow. He had changed his mind and asked if I would wait until he has a chance to speak with T2. He said he didn't want me to have to walk into anything unpleasant this time. Maybe he heard something that caused him concern, I don't know. T2 has already demonstrated that she can be malicious - so that is a reasonable concern too.

At the end of the last contract, when negotiations were still occurring, our company liaison chose to harrass my co-worker J and I by doing things like compromising our security clearance and hampering us in completeing the work we were supposed to be doing. We both finally opted not to return until an agreement was reached. As you know, dear diary, that never did happen, although A said a month or so ago, that they were still talking I don't have any desire to be viewed or used as a pawn. Seems to be a favorite tactic in this industry though - just shows how weak some people's bargaining skills are.

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