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2:57 p.m. - 2003-05-11
Went out with my Dad yesterday - early Mother's Day lunch at the seafood restaurant. He was having a hard time, as he always does, around significant days in his and my Mom's life. I would have liked to had him spend time with me today so he wasn't alone, but he chose otherwise. Sounds like he has made some plans for June though that will help him get through a couple of more anniversary dates. Sometimes there isn't much you can do for someone else other than be there.

Number two son and his fiance just brought me back from lunch today, pho from a really nice Vietnamese place in the community. My choice. I hate feeling like I'm at a cattle call which is what Mother's Day is like at most restaurants, and I'm not all that fond of eating out anyway. My Dad really enjoys that type of thing and we have a lot to talk about, but otherwise I prefer to give it a pass most times. This was pleasant.

I've been climbing stairs again for a while now. I've lost a lot of ground the past few months because of being ill. In fact the past three years have been a challenge starting with mononucleosis then followed by the heart problems after the allergic response. My immune system has just been too compromised for too long.

I looked at my prescription history yesterday and realized that I have been on antibiotics since I started this last contract. Not surprising, since the boxes from the Middle East have been full of sand - clouds of it from each one - mold and mildew from the water damage caused by being transported in containers in a ship's hold; oh yeah, the bugs too. Some of them are still capable of nipping - sand fleas or some such was the best guess, plus all the dessicated bodies of little critters who hitched a ride but didn't survive the experience.

I've been putting on a tape my youngest made of the Lord of the Dance - Feet of Flames concert to motivate me to keep onn with the stairs. Why? Well first I really enjoy the music as well as the dancing. I figure if I can get to the point where I'm moving as fast on the stairs as the dancers are stepping for an hour - I'll have the aerobic effect I need, because my heart rate will be up and sustained for that time.

While I'm climbing I think a lot about the story being enacted as well. You see it is about the fundamental founding myth of the Celtic culture. Strong family influence there. In addition, it contains echos of a number of other cultures' core mythology. The Lord of the Dance figures prominently in Hindu and Buddhist faiths.

When my guys were little I used to exercise for an hour or two every day - it was the only way to keep up with my little darlings. Combination of aerobic exercises I learned while competing in gymnastics in High School, and Power / Iyengar Yoga asanas, long before they were popular. To keep focussed (because my guys used to line up on the sofa and crack jokes at my expense to see if they could divert me), I used to visualize myself dancing the creation myth with Shakti, Kali, Shiva and all the others. I'd dance the worlds being built, evolving and then being destroyed. Galaxies would materialize, shimmer, expand and contract then fly off as I danced. Nope no drugs. Who needs them when you're following in the footsteps of the great Sufi, Hasidic, and Charismatic / Evangelical practices of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

The aboriginal cultures have the same founding myths and practices too. Think of Kokopelli and his flute. The story goes that no being can be inspirited and animated unless the sound from Kokopelli's flute is drawn up through one's spine - through the chakras.

Oh yes, my children, there is more the same in the core beliefs of all vibrant, living faiths than differences. I started studying those myths when I turned eight and have followed wherever I was led. What I've learned over time has influenced every choice I make. I draw from whatever source of wisdom or thought will help in any given situation. It has been key in helping my sons and I survive. Right now all I want it to do is help me become strong enough so that I can cope with whatever is thrown at me on a day to day basis without having to struggle with health issues and fatigue first. We'll see.

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