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10:44 p.m. - 2003-02-03
I spent about an hour last night repacking my backpack in preparation for starting my new contract today. As a consultant/temp one never knows what the working conditions will be like in any new assignment.

Some employers provide nothing. In one job we were told we could have a chair if we could find one no one was using, and we had to bring in all our own supplies, including material incorporated into the data we were working on. We weren't allowed access to the equipment we needed to do the job except when it wasn't in use by anyone else in that very busy department. Turned out the supervisor we had was dead set against having us there. She also was angry that one of my co-workers, a very pretty young woman, was attracting the attention of a number of males, including one she had her sights set on. She called our firm to complain about the length of the young lady's skirt claiming it was inappropriate in a a company based on "family values". One small problem though, her skirt was a couple of inches shorter than my co-worker's. After a day and a half I asked to be removed. She brought a friend or two of hers in shortly after I was told which is what her aim had been all along.

Another company I worked in had experienced some major sabotage - that was why we were there, to recover destroyed e-files including all their financial records. We weren't even allowed to go to the bathroom on our own for the first few days; our male supervisor had to escort us. Try explaining heavy periods needing trips every hour in that situation - not pretty. All the staff were "required" to stay in at lunch in the lunchroom and to watch a particular soap. I refused, no job is worth that torture. They liked my work enough to make an "exception" in my case.

Sometimes I've been stuffed in a corner of a pullman coffee room as "my workspace" and sometimes I've had the luxury office on the top floor with the mountain view. Some places put you on display in an open " barrier free" setting, some provide a desk/workstation, some move you every couple of weeks. I never go into a job expecting anything but respect for the work I do. The rest is nice, but doesn't matter. The backpack is my way of remaining flexible on the job. It does cause some consternation because of security issues, but I always leave it open and in plain view even when I'm not around. They can check it if they wish. Truth is though, they should be looking at their own staff if they want to know where their data is disappearing.

Other employers provide a lot of frills. I've been in places that had very well stocked kitchens that included a bar - free booze. I've been in other places with special dining rooms, yoga classes, outings to movies and meals, field trips, and recreation rooms with an array of games and amenities include. Sometimes that is very nice, but I'm there to work and I judged my work situation by whether I have the tools and freedom to do just that. They don't always mesh.

So my backpack resembles the innards of a full time employee's desk or someone's home office. Critical for me, are my coffee cup - usually not available onsite anymore - personal care items like toothpaste/brush, the extra gear needed to deal with Calgary weather oddities, my music, lunch, and my purse. I haven't dared to weigh that pack but, by its nature, it would make a great defensive weapon or shield if required.

Today I started at 7:30 am, meeting my supervisor B at reception. I have a work station in the library itself - phone, desk, and computer included. Floor to ceiling windows make it quite comfortable. She took me to pull whatever supplies I wanted - yes - and for photo id - no - it looks like a passport photo. We toured the plus 15's around the building so that I could find food or supplies and met the other staff on the team. The work isn't difficult at this point, but I'm certain that I'm being tested a bit to see what I can do - it's the norm and that's fine with me. Got in an hours walk at lunch - I might not get my stair climbing in until my body is used to the change in sleep patterns so I don't want to miss the chance to use a substitute in the interim. Called my supervisor at the end of the day just to check in. It sounds as though things are still chaotic at the head office because of last week's resignation/termination. Glad I'm not there, but I do need to know how the chain of command is supposed to work this time - do I report to him or T and, if so, in what form and I do want all my paperwork in place - no glitches with the paychecks please. My supervisor sounded pretty beat. He said he would call me tonight, but I told him it wasn't necessary - he needs family time too.

I arrived home to find that my youngest had pasted glow-in-the-dark stars on the wall in my bedroom as a welcome home. He knows how tense I've been. Number 4 son was pretty attentive too. All in all a good day.

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