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1:07 a.m. - 2002-12-04
Health Care
Total solar eclipse today, but unless one lives in SE Asia or Australia it won't be visible. Time from beginning is about 8 PM mountain time to 1 AM mountain time. Eclipse cycles are said to occur every 19 years give or take a couple, so if you are curious about the theme of this eclipse in your own life think back 19 years - what was happening in your life then?

The big topic here right now, is the future of our universal medicare system. It was first instituted in the '60's at the instigation of the Provincial leaders of Saskatchewan. It has served Canadians relatively well, but after 40 years it needs a revisit. Financially, Canadians pay much less than their American counterparts and every Canadian is protected. But the system has become too heavily focussed on pharmaceuticals and high tech toys. At least that's my perception. We would be better served if more attention was paid to prevention, wherever possible, and support and maintenance where there is already harm. Prevention means teaching people how to look after themselves and to understand basic biological functions. With all the education we have, it is always amazing to me how little people understand about their own bodies. When you think about it, it is the one thing that will always be with you throughout your life. Lose it and the soul, pneuma or whatever you want to call it goes elsewhere.

A major report was presented by the Federal government on this issue a couple of days ago. I read the executive summary today - the entire report is about 400 pages - so far it looks more like a "maintain the status quo" document in most areas. I'm not certain that is the most proactive stance to take right now. Mind you, as I've mentioned before, our Premier and his provincial party have been selling off all the parts of the system that are known to be profitable to their colleagues/families in an attempt to undermine and weaken the public system just the same as they have done with education and family support services. They have choked off access to key gateway services like diagnostics, so that Albertans are denied the care mandated by the legislation. That deliberately forces a more expensive care system, since people have to be really ill before they are able to receive treatment. The provincial government then points to the higher expense of critical care treatment as their reason for the sell-off of Albertans' birthright as Canadians. Waiting lists are long; too many patients die before receiving treatment - "collateral damage" or "culling the herd" I believe it was called in a debate in the legislature. This report will stop that immediately, which is a major benefit for people in this province. The premier has been lobbying hard against that eventuality, but public reaction has shown very strong support for the Federal position. It's about time.

Anyway, I guess I'll read the rest of the report tomorrow then I'll be able to assess it more fairly.

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